A Welcome From Our Pastor
Many people define "enough" as just a little bit more than what I have right now. Life is spent pursuing things to fill a void but those things never quite seem to satisfy and life still feels empty. Jesus said, "I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly." When life is lived in relationship with Him, the emptiness in life is filled, even to the point of overflowing.
At Faith Bible Church we strive to nurture that relationship with the Lord in all that we do. Our ministry emphasizes the following:
- Worship - We respond to God our Creator and Savior with adoration and exaltation. Worship is more than music and song. It is a lifestyle that seeks to glorify God in all that we do.
- Word - The Bible is our basis for belief and action. We study God's Word to know Him better as well as His plans for us. We seek to apply its truth to all areas of our lives.
- Community - Faith Bible Church is a racially and generationally diverse family. The only thing we all have in common is our faith in and love for Jesus Christ
- Caring - We serve God because we love Him, the family at Faith, our community and the world. We use the gifts and talents He has given us to share God's love and advance His Kingdom.
Faith Bible Church is a church on an adventure of discovering who God is and where He is taking us. We invite you to come explore with us as we follow God on this journey of life.
Pastor Craig Swanson |