- Japanese Language Ministry
- The JLM provides a unique opportunity for people to fellowship and learn in the native Japanese language. Here, individuals feel at home in the culture and language of Japan while growing in the faith and love of Christ.
- Home Groups
- Home Groups are the life of Faith Bible Church midweek. Therefore, we encourage everyone to involve themselves in a home group fellowship. Several groups meet each week in different areas.
- Women's Ministry
- The Women's Ministry seeks to provide the women of the church with times of studying God's Word, fellowship with other women, and opportunities to care for one another. Additionally, it is our desire to share God's blessings upon us with our neighborhoods, community, and the world.
- Men's Ministry
- The goal of the Men's Ministry is to encourage the men of the church to fulfill their calling as men of God. Activities include Prayer Breakfasts, Annual Retreat, Steak-Out, Guest speakers and other activities.
- Seniors' Ministry
- The Seniors' ministry provides an avenue for our seniors to get together, to enjoy fellowship, and to encourage one another in their golden years. Fun and encouraging events provide opportunities for our seniors to invite friends, enabling them to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Fall Conference
- Every year the whole church gathers for a weekend conference at a Christian retreat center. The conference is held the 2nd weekend in October and is for both English and Japanese Ministries. There are outside speakers for both groups.
- FISH (College)
- F.I.S.H. (Fellowshipping In Spiritual Harmony) is a ministry primarily for college-aged and young career people. This group meets Friday evenings at various locations throughout the Seattle metro. Meeting at 7:30 PM, FISH enjoys games, singing and a Bible study each week.
- HSYG (High School Youth Group)
- HSYG is a ministry for high schools students that includes Sunday school, fellowship, service projects, and fun activities. Each part makes up a balanced approach to discipling our youth toward loving God, loving others, and serving others.
- WASABI (Middle School Fellowship)
- Meeting once a month, WASABI maintains a mix of learning, applying, serving, activity, and all-family events for the purposes of building up the youth in the context of family.
- Children's Ministries
- Our Children's Ministries are essential for raising godly children. Sunday morning classes and children's worship are available every Sunday morning. Throughout the year, the children perform musicals to inspire and encourage the family of God.