VBS 2015 Highlights

In Newsletter by mike

My earliest memories of the love and acceptance God provides for his church are rooted in my time at Vacation Bible School. Although my family did not attend church, I was invited by a couple that saw a hurting, lonely child and knew that God’s love changed lives. The seeds about Jesus and the magnificence of God that were planted in my heart during VBS would grow to saving faith in my teenage years.

Fast forward 50 years and now my wife, Kim, and I have been blessed with the opportunity to “pay it forward” and serve with the leadership team of FBC as we encouraged the children in Seattle to encounter the God of the universe. And in the glorious plan of God, Kim and I were able to serve alongside our daughters, Annika and Rene, while my granddaughters sat in the audience. What a blessing for a man who prays that his children and his children’s children will walk with God!

Jesus taught his disciples to reach out to the children around them. In doing so, He reminded them of his love for the children because he knew that they represented the future of the church. Satan has used the things of this world to entice our children and turn them away from God. I am so thankful that the people of FBC are committed to teaching their children about the magnificence of God and are willing to sacrifice time and resources in the effort.

Everything about VBS was done in a manner that reflected excellence and brought glory to God. The deco-rations were outstanding, the staff were incredible examples of God’s love and the program was thoughtfully constructed to bring out the truth of our glorious creator. Staff gathered for much prayer every day to assure that God’s agenda would go forth.
The blessing that most deeply touched my heart were the children themselves. Having the chance for “Hacker” to be a part of the daily skits again this year opened up avenues of influence in relationships that I would have never known. I had opportunities to teach and demonstrate God’s love everyday. Sometimes it was just a hug, sometimes showing them an example of Jesus. More than anything was the sheer joy of letting God’s love flow through me to envelop these wonderful boys and girls.

God promises that his word will not return void. As God worked later in my life, I am confident that many of these children will someday give their lives to Christ as a result of the seed planted at VBS. And I want to be a tool, useful in the Master’s hand, to help shape these young lives. So with all that in mind, I eagerly wait for the chance to work with such a loving and dedicated staff to do it all again next year.

vbs1See you in 2016!!
Steve (Lt. Hacker) Munday