Men’s Ministry Update

In Newsletter by mike

I just want to give you all a quick update on the Men’s Ministry here at FBC. We are already well into the summer of 2015 and the Men’s Ministry has done four breakfasts. We meet every other month on Saturday mornings from 8-10am. Every time we have a Men’s Breakfast, we enjoy a time of fellowship over a “home cooked” breakfast and watch a video together. We have enjoyed the series called “33 Series – A Man and His Design” (A journey to authentic manhood as modeled by Jesus in His 33 years on earth) which we started last summer. We are choosing good topics from various series as we move on. The video provides a great opportunity for us guys to talk and share in our small groups and then we close with a time of prayer together.

I am very encouraged to be able to serve alongside some special godly men both younger and older (I won’t get too specific about the age…). We have a lot of fun together. These are the men that help lead and serve in this ministry: Brian Watanabe, Bradley Fujimoto, Elison Iseri, Jed Esposito, Javier Roman, John Tsuji and the latest addition to our team – Yon Pier. As many guys as we have on our team, due to our busy schedules, we needed help and in His perfect timing, God provided us with Yon who is so enthusiastic and willing to help in any way. He is an awesome addition to our team. Yon is always bringing his friends to our breakfasts and has a huge heart for the men at FBC. I would also like to add Pastor Mike Kurtz in this group. He is not officially on the “committee” but he is always there, always helps with leading the discussion times, looking for new video series to do and just having a heart for this ministry. We appreciate his leadership and help as he serves with us.

Please keep praying for this ministry. We as men need to keep growing deeper in our relationship with Christ and continue to encourage each other to keep walking with the Lord as we are called to lead. To lead at home, in our work place and in our communities.

In His service,
Kenji (for the Men’s Ministry Team)