Our Mission
Our mission is simply to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ (Matt. 28:19-20). Our hope is to be used of God to make this a reality for every person God brings into our lives. We strive to accomplish this by guiding and developing people through three lifelong steps:
- REACHING UP: In other words, helping one another reach up to God in worship. We believe that to know God is to love God. Loving Him is the first and greatest commandment. It is, therefore, our highest priority to develop a strong love relationship with God. Only then can we live in a manner pleasing to Him. To that end, Christian education classes are provided for children and adults of all ages. And while our worship services do provide a measure of education and inspiration, they are intended to be expressions of worship to God for His good pleasure because Reaching Up is more about God than ourselves.
- REACHING ACROSS: Developing strong and healthy relationships with Christ cannot happen alone. It takes a church family to provide a healthy environment that nurtures one’s growth through loving relationships. The second greatest commandment is to love others. Consequently, we believe that reaching across into the lives of others — across emotional, personal, cultural, and generational barriers – is absolutely essential. Developing strong relationships with one another means creating an environment of acceptance and support, a place to love and be loved. To that end, we encourage everyone to be a part of a ministry or community where those kinds of nurturing relationships can blossom. Community Groups and participation in a ministry team are just a few ways one can take this next step toward growth in Christ.
- REACHING OUT:Â As one grows in his or her love for God and love for His people, reaching out to a world in need of Christ is a natural extension. Reaching out includes both words and actions. Physical needs and spiritual needs are really inseparable when it comes to the love of Christ. To this end, there are a number of ministries available to share Christ’s love with others. From homeless feeding to international student outreach to seeker Bible studies, there is no limit to God’s stretched out hand in the world.